Business Consulting
CRM – Customer Relationship Management
Business Management
Tax avoidance Planning
Strategic Planning
Procurement, Mergers or Business incorporation
Economic viability projects and Financing
Prospecting of International Financial resources
Business reorganization
In Account Auditing, we can certify the veracity of the accounting procedures and the accuracy of a company’s income statement. We can evaluate shareholder equity regarding acquisition control, mergers, joint ventures, etc. In Operational Audit, we evaluate, identify and propose solutions to the organization’s deficiencies, either operational or functional.
Economic and Financial Consulting
In this area we study and analyze the company’s current situation, both economic and financial. Additionally, we survey data related to a company’s financial information, including assets, re-evaluation of real estate holdings, improvement of the cash flow & budgetary system, standardization of the procurement procedures and cost allocation. Siebert & Associates can analyze potential company acquisitions, as well as act as a facilitator during the negotiation process.
Business Management
Siebert & Associates personalizes business management solutions in accordance to characteristics and needs of each company. This business management concept was developed by our team and it is called “G7” The G7 concept is based on the seven modules of business management.
1. Finance
2. Inventory
3. Purchasing
4. Utility sectors
5. Performance indicators
6. Production
7. Consolidated income
Siebert & Associates provides assistance in the process of coordinating and implementing e-business technology; which can incorporate Call Centers.
The implementation process includes selecting the ideal software and hardware, establishing a centralized telephone system, recruiting and selecting CSR’s as well as implementing high standards in customer service management. Additionally, Siebert & Associates can implement E-Procurement solutions which include web based bidding capabilities that enhance the effectiveness and productivity of the company’s procurement division.
Human Resources
Company goals are more easily reached when the individuals who craft and establish them have a clear understanding of the demands and expectations of the company’s stakeholders. This requires skills and competencies to assess the company’s true operational situation and respond appropriately. Siebert & Associates is aware of how important this concept is and therefore seeks to implement business solution tools that evaluate a company’s intellectual capital needs.
Siebert & Associates is suitable to develop and implement the following stages of Human Resources Development in your company:
Recruiting and selection
Profile Evaluation
Organizational Climate Survey
Reward & Pay structure (SKA – skill, knowledge and abilities management; wage program)
Among others
Recruiting and Selection
Concept: It is an applied set of techniques and methods to evaluate candidates, aimed to identify their abilities, competencies, knowledge and other characteristics so that we can select the best candidate for the intended position.
Reduces the costs of inadequate admissions and training.
Decreases turnover levels.
Finds personnel whose professional profile is the most adequate for the position.
Hires more productive and satisfied professionals.
Profile Evaluation
Concept: It consists of evaluating the professional profile of each candidate, identifying their competencies (behavior/attitudes), as well as the aspects where they need the most improvement. This process provides a snapshot of the candidate’s current professional stand. Consequently it supplies valuable data regarding the candidate’s profile, thus facilitating the process of staff management. This mapping tool can assist the company with training and development needs, as well as with cross functionality and employee reassignment.
Supplies data regarding the candidate’s profile, thus facilitating the process of staff management.
It relays data to the individuals profiled, providing valuable feedback on their strengths, weaknesses and needs of improvement.
Assists the company in job reassignment functions, seeking to adequately match employee skills with job technical requirements.
Provides historic data for assessing future needs of investment in employee training and development.
Identifies in candidates key skills that the company considers essential in getting the job done.
Organizational Climate Survey
Concept: The Organizational Climate survey consists of a continued survey and analysis process of the employee’s overall level of satisfaction with the company’s general practices and procedures. Additionally, the organizational climate survey implements all the necessary corrective measures to boost employee morale and commitment to the company’s practices and procedures.
The organizational climate survey is a widely utilized tool among major personnel management companies making it one of the best indicators of its success and quality assurance.
Because of its collaborative and collective efforts, the organizational climate survey will identify real challenges within a company’s human resources management, in special, challenges related to ineffective two-way communication.
Raises employees commitment to the company
Elaborates an Organizational Climate diagnosis
Improves the Staff Management Policy, matching employee needs with the company’s strategic goals.
Provides feedback to the company and its personnel.
Reward & Pay structure (SKA – skill, knowledge and abilities management; wage program)
Concept: The methodology used for SKA, skill, knowledge and abilities management development is based on the development of instruments, norms, policies and procedures, which are created in order to assist the specific needs of each client. SKA takes into consideration the nature of the business, the organization’s strategies, the management style and culture, its processes, technologies and employee profiles. The main goal is to provide companies with the necessary tools to manage their promotion and rewards system in a fast and dependable manner.
Clearly defines employee responsibilities as well as job specifications.
Establishes policies and procedures regarding career management and compensation management systems
Establishes a functional job hierarchical system.
Reduces job turnover by adding employee recognition and employee development initiatives.
Creates a more dynamic pay scale in addition to basing raises on pre established and company wide criteria.
It increases employee satisfaction/motivation rates based on the overall quality of the products and/or services.
Establishes company-wide fair compensation guidelines.
Defines rules and policies regarding employee recruiting and selection, employee rewards system and internal job transfers.
Increases effective two-way communication.
Assists in identifying employee training and development needs.
Meets the quality standards framework of ISO-9000, ISO-14000 (environmental management systems) and company auditing requirements.
The implementation of this program will supply basic information of individual performance that can be used for the creation of a Training & Development Program:
A thorough inventory of each employee’s knowledge base.
Skills levels – applied technical knowledge.
Competencies levels – established behaviors/attitudes.
The scope of this project does not include the creation of a Training & Development Program. In order to implement a program of this nature it is necessary to acknowledge the results of the company’s evaluations/certifications.